Morrill Farm Partners Breeders Invitational Sale

Detailed Information

Selling 140 head – Morrill’s will be sending 62 Outstanding head of Registered Freestall Holsteins – some R&W’s
and other quality consignments from other great breeder herds! Selling Holsteins, Ayrshires and Jerseys Look for last weeks ad that included great consignments from: Cook Farms, Liberty Farm, Den-Rein, GMC Farm,
Boardwalk Holsteins, Ovaltop Holsteins, Kuperus Meadows, Sco-Li Farm, Postma Dairy, Falls Pride Dairy
View & Bid online in real time at Bidders must be pre-approved.
Sale held at our facility directions: Hosking Sales LLC 6096 NYS Rt. 8, 30 miles South of Utica & 6 miles North
of New Berlin, NY.
**Another great sale you will have the opportunity to find that special show age calf, young milky cows all with
pedigrees to go with them! Check out our website for complete ad info- Or check out last weeks ad for complete ad info. Hosking Sales LLC
6071 state highway 8 new Berlin NY 13411 Sale Staff:
Tom Hosking Auctioneer 607-972-1770 Dan Hosking Auctioneer 607-972-8773 Jarrod Burleigh – pedigrees 570-772-3542 Rob Morrill – 603-496-4820 Dan Hoppaugh 607-731-2023 Bruce Gingerich 574-536-3061 Dan Stoltzfus 717-283-7282 Ryan Morrill 603-496-0167
**Watch for these upcoming sales:
* Mon. April 12th – Normal Monday Sale & Monthly Heifer Sale. A group of Elig. & Registered Jerseys from March calves to bred heifers – sired by Bancroft, Halt, Diego, Viper, Lancer plus more. Also Short Notice Certified Organic Herd sells – 100 Head – 65 Milking age in all stages of lactation w/cows milking to 80#. Housed in freestall milked in a tiestall. Herd consists of Holsteins, Jersey Holstein crosses. 35 head of youngstock from breeding age down to recent calves. Dairy starts at 1:00.
* Sat. April 17th – sale held at the sale barn. Our Annual Spring Machinery Consignment Auction – selling small farm related items, Machinery & Equipment etc. Also several groups of Lumber sell Mixed Hard & Soft wood from 6’ – 12’ lengths. Sale starts at 9:30 AM. Call early enough to get into the advertising.
* Mon. May 3rd – Our Normal Monday Sale & Due to all the weekend sales we have booked we will do our Annual Fat Cow & Feeder Spring Turn out Sale. Selling feeders, bred cows, cow/calf pairs. Special: Angus- Simmental Cross Beef Herd – consist of Cow/calf pairs, Feeders – heifers, bulls & steers, bred cows. Call to get into the advertising it makes a difference.
* Sat. May 8th – sale held at sale barn 11:30AM. Spring Production All Breed Dairy Sale – Featuring Lui-Vu Registered Holstein Milking Herd Dispersal. Consisting of 40 head in all stages of lactation DHI RHA 23027 3.9 899 2.9 677 ave. 75#/day. SCC 140,000. This may be one of NY’s Best kept secrets – one of the finest uddered herds we have walked into in a long time!Owners: Jeff & Gwen Manley. Watch for other great consignments from CJ Button, Boardwalk Holsteins, Sweet Peas, Grocott, Coopers Jerseys plus many more. We are cutting this sale off at 100 so if you would like to participate contact us asap. Taking all breed Dairy cattle all ages.
